Celebrating Over 35 Years of Service
to the People of South Sudan
The South Sudan African Mission
began in 1988 when IDES
(International Disaster Emergency
Service) of Noblesville, IN sent
Paul and Marilyn Douglass to
Khartoum, Sudan.
As a result of South Sudan African Mission, Aweil Bible College was founded and
in 2007 with eighteen in the first graduating class. To date there has been over
75 graduates. The Malek Christian Hospital, funded by SSAM, opened their doors
in October 2009.
Founder of South Sudan African Mission Dies
Paul Douglass, 96, of Gresham OR passed away peacefully, August 31, 2023.

In October 1988, Paul and his wife Marilyn
were sent by International Disaster Emergency
Service (IDES) to Khartoum, Sudan. IDES
had sent a mobile workshop to Sudan to be
used to repair hospital equipment but no
one in the country knew how to operate the
machines. Paul was a journeyman machinist,
an auto-truck mechanic and paint specialist,
a draftsman and electrician. Because of
Paul’s abilities and degree, he was accepted
by the Sudanese government to teach the
native men how to repair hospital equipment
in the IDES workshop. Eight Sudanese men
worked alongside Paul for nearly two years
at the hospitals in Khartoum while he taught
them how to use the equipment inside the
workshop. One of the men working with Paul
was Yournew Wol Kuot. Through the teaching
and example of Paul and Marilyn, Yournew
was baptized into Christ in September 1989.
Soon the Sudan African Mission (later to
be known as South Sudan African Mission)
was formed with the sole purpose to support
South Sudanese who attend Bible College and their ministries. To date over 35 churches
have been established in South Sudan and there are over 500 baptisms each year. Malek
Christian Hospital has been built along with a mobile
medical vehicle that goes out to the remote villages to
tend to medical needs.

Paul and Yournew
Paul is survived by daughters Bev (Dale) Meyer of
Rochester, MN, Joyce (Gene) Penn of Scottsbluff,
NE and Jim (Leona) of Ansonia, OH. Thirteen
grandchildren, 38 great grandchildren and two
great-great grandchildren, daughter-in-laws Mary
Ellen Jones, Janet Douglass and Yournew Wol Kuot
of Aweil, South Sudan along with 100’s of South
Sudanese who call him Father Paul. He was preceded
in death by his wife of nearly 65 years, daughter
Barbara, sons Gary and Stanley.
Memorials can be made to:
The South Sudan African Mission,
PO Box 8396, Rochester, MN 55904
Your memorials will help to further
the Aweil Bible College in South Sudan.
Matt Douglass, grandson of Paul, preached part of a
grandfather’s funeral service. To quote Matt, “If there is
a section in heaven that is singing praises in the Dinka
language, Grandpa is joining in with them.”

Grandson Matt Douglass
Dear all,
We the South Sudanese have heard the passing of Paul Douglass, Paul Douglass was our
Moses the man of all times, he was the first person to preach to us the good news. The
church was moved with tears as I announced his death to the congregation on Sunday 3rd
September, 2023 at Malek Church of Christ. Indeed Paul Douglass was one of us despite
his white skin, race and geography. Paul was one of us. He contributed, prayed, and stood
with us in times of need. This is because earlier in 1988, Paul risked his life to come to Sudan
hoping that something bigger could be done, something bigger
could be achieved. God used him to support and pray for the
wishes and welfare of the South Sudanese people in refugee
camps in Uganda and Kenya and the vulnerable communities
back home. He prayed that there would be peace and freedom
for the whole Sudan in particular general and to South
— Joseph Wel Ajiing

Paul's Family Who Attended His Service
It was on 31st of August 2023, when I sadly got the news
of the passing of Paul Douglass. I was so devastated and
shocked to learn on the loss of a person so dear to my
heart and the people of South Sudan.
Paul Douglass was a person God called to the bring spiritual and social
transformation to the disadvantaged human societies around the world,
and especially among the South Sudanese communities. I am grateful to
God for connecting me and other South Sudanese to a true man of God.
In 1988, Father Paul arrived in Khartoum, Sudan at the height of the civil
war in the country. Paul recruited a number of South Sudanese to study
outside the country to support the mission and their communities. Paul
believed that South Sudanese must be part of the solution to spread the
gospel to their own and participate in rebuilding their country when peace
As we reflect on the friendship Paul built with me and the people of South
Sudan, he leaves a legacy that many of us will forever cherish. Truly the
mission has lost a champion of peace and love which can be emulated for
ages. May God continue blessing his great family, SSAM, friends and the
church community in the U.S.
— Yournew Wol Kuot
Co-Founder, South Sudan African Mission
Today, we mourn the loss of our dear father figure, who
has left us at the age of 96, but his memory and legacy
will forever remain alive within us.
Words seemingly fail us in times like these. The news of his passing
has left us speechless, overwhelmed with a profound sense of grief
and loss. How do we encapsulate in mere words the impact this
extraordinary man had on our lives? Through his unwavering dedication,
he led us towards the path of faith, and we came devout Christians
under his guidance. His vision for our country was grand, and he worked
tirelessly to make it a reality.
His love for the people of South Sudan knew no bounds. It was a love
that ran deep in his veins, a love that fueled his every endeavor. He
invested his heart and skills into making a difference in the lives of the
South Sudanese people. With selflessness and compassion, he devoted
himself to our welfare, leaving behind a legacy of love and service.
But beyond the larger picture, he touched us on a personal level. He
believed in me so much, and in each and every one of us, supporting
us unconditionally in our triumphs and failures. In our darkest moments,
he stood by our side, when I lost my dad at a young age he provided
me solace and strength. He mourned the loss of our loved ones, and he
sought us out, extending a comforting hand and a shoulder to lean on.
He saw the potential within us and nurtured it, helping us become better
individuals, Christians and leaders.
We stand here today, forever indebted to him for the profound impact
he had on our lives. He taught us the true meaning of love, compassion
and missions. He showed us the beauty of faith and the power of
unwavering belief. His presence may no longer grace our lives, but his
teachings and memories will forever be etched in our hearts. I as well
fondly remember Father Paul as a great mechanic and inventor - for the
practical tools he made during his missions to our nation.
— Ronald Ruay Deng
September 17 : Northland Christian Church, Kansas City, MO
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